There was a mistake in the left sleeve in the upper photo that I just couldn't get past. I feel like this sweater is never going to be finished. I am so sick of working on it.
The shrug is almost done! I'm starting to put the stitches on the needles for the ribbed border.
I haven't posted photos of the shelter cats in a bit, so tonight I took a bunch to share with you! Sometimes people ask me, "How do you work there without wanting to take everyone home?" Maybe because I adopted two kitties just before I started working there, and two of my three do not play well with others*, I'm not tempted as much as I might be. Honestly, I come home from my volunteer night loving mine more if that's possible. And I have the next best thing: instead of them coming home to live with me, I go to their house to visit them. In my short time there, I have seen the most unlikely adoptions, so it's always a joy to check the "Look Who Got Adopted" board. I'm sure the following kitties will be added there soon!
This is Hope, and she's much cuter than my photo. She's in the infirmary at the moment for a minor infection, having just gotten rescued after being outdoors for a long time. She is very affectionate and once she puts on weight, I fully expect her to find her new persons.
Here is Que (most of the cats have good names, but every once in a while there is one I do not get). She is a tiny bit shy, but always says hello to me when I go into her room to give Bugsy her medicine. Love her.
This little girl came up to say hello when I took Que's photo. I couldn't find her photo and name on the board. Maybe she is new, but I will find it out! She reminds me of my niece cats, Alice and Cali.
This is Kewpie (she so needs a better name). Adore her. She was found by a local animal control officer locked in a closet. She is missing one eye and is partially blind in the other, but is SO lovable and brave with people, despite her past horror, that I have no doubt there is a home in her near future. And if I ever come across the person who did that to her...
Gabby. Love her too. A petite little girl. I love how she folds her paws.
Smoky. LOVE him. When he had a runny eye a few weeks ago, he let me give him medicine without flinching. I would take him home in a minute if Tim would let me. Love him, love him, love him.
Walker and Scarlett. Chaos and May, I'm sorry I don't know the black kitty in the background. I am proud of Walker because when he first came to the shelter, you could tell he wanted to trust people but was afraid. He'd take steps toward you, but if you put out your hand, he'd go back. But this time he let me pet him!! Someone must be working with him and helping him be brave. Miss Scarlett is semi-feral but perhaps she will come around with Walker's help.
Meanwhile, back in the living room...
Rainy: Do you think she's going to be able to finish this shrug before the Tour?
Tim: I don't know, but I am more than ready for some new yarn to play with. I'm sick of pink.
Rosie: What do they mean I'm like Marilyn on the Munsters?* Is being a normal, well-adjusted cat a bad thing?
I see how you can love them all! Some of the stories are heartbreaking. The kitties are lucky to have people like you to care for them as they should be loved and cared for.
Posted by: Kristen | June 25, 2008 at 09:15 PM
I showed Jim the cat pictures and we smiled and laughed at all of them. Que I think is a Star Trek reference - take it as being a wise, all-knowing cat as I think that was in line with the character on the show. We giggled at the Marilyn reference on your kitty Rosie!!! We have to meet your cats, we just love all kitties!
Posted by: Robin | June 25, 2008 at 09:33 PM
Thanks for sharing the kitty photos. I am owned by 3 rescue kitties (and a rescued doggy) so I know how hard it is to say to one more. :)
Posted by: Kimberly | June 25, 2008 at 09:53 PM
This is officially my first blog post (other than to SDC's). All of your various kitties are beautiful and I'm so glad they have you to take care of them. I am also owned by two rescue kitties - Lilly & Tiger...and I want more.
Posted by: Ann | June 25, 2008 at 10:45 PM
I'm getting to know that feeling! There's a cat who arrived at the colony today that I would love to take home...
Posted by: Erika | June 25, 2008 at 11:05 PM
I can't see the mistake in the knitting! What was wrong? The kitties are all lovely. Glad you get to visit with them during the week. It's always fun to see yours at home too!
Posted by: sarah | June 25, 2008 at 11:13 PM
I am about to become a proper blogger:) We are adopting a kitty later this week!! Her name is Eartha Kitty--she belonged to my friend that passed away. I can't wait to give her cuddles.
Posted by: deb | June 26, 2008 at 01:45 PM
I wish I had a shelter close by that I could go and play with the babies...and give them some loves...
I like the color of the sweater and the pattern looks pretty...
The shrug seems to be coming along nicely!!!
Posted by: Sara | June 26, 2008 at 01:57 PM
Aw, all of those cats look so lovable!
Posted by: madalyn | June 26, 2008 at 04:57 PM
Aw, look at how sweet that black kitty in the background is! I love how Gabby is holding her paws, too.
Posted by: Chris | June 26, 2008 at 07:09 PM
Aww, I'm always a fan of a kitty photo-heavy post!
Posted by: Meredith | June 26, 2008 at 07:27 PM
Aw, look at all of the cute kitties. I love Que's little mustache. I can see why you would want to take Smoky home.
Posted by: Sydney | June 26, 2008 at 09:37 PM
They all look so sweet. Pea liked looking at them with me. I still go back and forth about whether I'm ready for another one or not. But I'm thinking when the time comes, maybe we'll take a ride up to "your" shelter & take a look at some of your favorite sweeties.
Posted by: Karen | June 27, 2008 at 08:44 AM
Aw, such beautiful babies! And I love Kewpie, I would take her home in a second. Actually, I would run the risk of taking them all home...
And yours are so cute together!
Posted by: Brigitte | June 29, 2008 at 08:12 AM
Such cute kitties! I love it when they do the paw fold.
Posted by: Sonya | June 29, 2008 at 06:37 PM
How do your kitties like you coming home smelling like "other cats"? "Marilyn on the Munsters" - hahahaha!
Posted by: Nancy | June 30, 2008 at 03:22 PM
Now I am Kitten enthused I appreciate all your kitten pictures. I think your three are really thinking about eating the shrug!!!
Good green jumper luck to you too!!
Posted by: 2paw | June 30, 2008 at 09:03 PM
Aw, Que (is that like the Spanish word, or do you say 'kew'?) and Walker are snowball-face kitties like my Mingus! (My cousin looked at his hard-to-describe facial markings and said, "He looks like someone hit him in the face with a snowball!") And Scarlett is a real stunner. They're all so adorable - here's hoping they find loving people to take them home very soon.
Posted by: Sarah | July 01, 2008 at 02:34 PM
Gorgeous kitties! I want to take home so many of them!
Posted by: Shannon | July 05, 2008 at 06:10 AM