Project Spectrum's colors for February/March are blue, gray, and white. My Mrs. Belli's lace is blue, and I am occasionally adding more length to what will be the top sheet edging. However, it seems that I am all about the pink knitting lately, which isn't a PS color until April/May. I'm not the only one: Knitting in Pink, Pink Knitting Adventures, Pink Purls, and my comrade-in-sock-apathy Stream of Consciousness all knit pink. In a Blogger search, I found three more pink knitters whom I am going to visit after I get this posted: Bichons in Berry Sauce, Stitches In Pink, and Pink Lemon Twist. Is there any other color in knitting blogland as popular? I wonder what it is about pink?!
I received this in the mail, a prize from The Beekeeper's Granddaughter for voting on her fringe/no fringe scarf issue:
Yarntini in Hope. I love that name: it represents hope for the new year, hope for spring (or autumn, if you are currently baking in the sun of the southern hemisphere), hope for all good things to come, especially those struggling with diseases like cancer. I'm not sure what project I want to make using this yarn, but right now, I enjoy just looking at it! Thank you, Nancy!
Here is a photo of the kitty blanket I'm making for HollYarns' & Cyrano's Creature Comforts drive. I've frogged and re-knit twice until I found a pattern I liked. The yarn, Caron's (left over from my previous kitty project), is amazingly soft for acrylic, and will hopefully wash well. Holly has just put up some of her amazing hand-dyed yarn as a prize, so go on over and check it out!
Last but not least, the pink camisole. Thank you so much for your suggestions and advice on this. Several people suggested finding a similar pattern that I could use as a model. As it turns out, the pink camisole on the cover of Vintage Knits (a recent Christmas gift), has the same number of stitches for the body (220) and uses the same yarn, Rowan Cotton Glace, that I'm substituting for the Alchemy bamboo.
I'm marking it with a post-it, and have printed out a grid according to my gauge which I found here. As I get closer, I'll chart out the directions onto the blank grid, and adapt the front as needed. I'm not quite 1" from the border, and will begin the waist shaping soon. Rachel's reminder to use a lifeline and rip out as needed was also a brilliant idea; don't ask me why, but I only ever think "lifeline" for lace knitting, and yet, it makes perfect sense to use one here.
Chris, Charlie, and I thank you so much for your supportive comments and emails regarding our GYGIG ride. There are a couple of housekeeping-type things that I do want to pass along to you. First, Judy, our ride director, assures me that the most anyone who donates will ever receive from them is a thank you note. Names, emails, and addresses are never rented/sold or even stored, and you will not be put on a mailing list and bothered for further donations for eternity. Whew! Secondly, GYGIG is a young organization, and run mostly by volunteers, so there will be a bit of a delay in our notification of funds raised. It takes about a week for us to get a report of donations; I think some charities like the MS150 supply real-time updates to riders, but we will not have that available to us. soon as Chris and I receive the weekly reports, we'll put a note under the GYGIG button in the sidebar to update you on our progress. We're excited about our first prize drawing, which will be the last weekend in March.
There has been a lot of frustration in blogland lately with the Blogger upgrading. While my blog is in the Typepad template, I've been frustrated with trying to leave comments on Blogger sites, among other things. Bloglines, too, has been difficult, and I'm considering switching over to a new newsreader. What do you like to use to subscribe to blogs? Is there one service that stands out from the others? Please let me know!
I like the color pink you're using for the cami-- can't wait to see how it turns out!
Posted by: nancy | February 06, 2007 at 10:32 PM
Pretty pink yarn. I'm kind of glad to see that it isn't just my Bloglines that is wacky. For the last two days, I've been getting updates on less than half the blogs I read. Hope they get their act together soon.
Posted by: Jane | February 06, 2007 at 11:30 PM
Good luck with the pink camisole! I've got some Glace that I think I will be using for my next project.
For feeds, I use Newsgator. I've been happy with them and haven't noticed many issues.
Posted by: Meredith | February 06, 2007 at 11:55 PM
Aww, pretty pretty pink!
I use bloglines so no help here.
Posted by: tiennie | February 07, 2007 at 01:15 AM
It's great to see the cami starting to take shape!
Posted by: Sarah | February 07, 2007 at 06:49 AM
First of all, I love love the Yarntini! My friend made the cami from Vintage Knits and it looks great, so I'm glad that it can help you out.
Posted by: Valerie | February 07, 2007 at 08:56 AM
Ooh, that camisole from Vintage Knits will give you a beautiful hybrid, I bet. How fortunate that the gauge and stitch count is even the same! I'll be very interested in seeing how that comes out.
Posted by: Rachel | February 07, 2007 at 09:10 AM
i love that pink yarntini! i can see why you would have pink on the brain with that in the house :o)
Posted by: amanda | February 07, 2007 at 10:31 AM
I love your blog! Pink is the color that rules! Thanks for stopping by for a visit on my blog ( ) the other day.
You are one of my sister's in pink.
Oh, you will love your Yarntini yarn. I have knit socks with it before and have some in my stash, I have never seen this beautiful pink Hope before. I need to get my hands on some of that gorgeous stuff. :-)
Posted by: Patty | February 07, 2007 at 12:59 PM
Wow that's a lot of pink. I love that yarn, so very pretty.
I need to get busy on my stuff for Holly. I have a bunch of leftover wool that I plan on making some catnip filled toys with.
Posted by: Rebekah | February 07, 2007 at 04:28 PM
I love pink too. The camisole is looking lovely so far.
Posted by: Kendra | February 07, 2007 at 05:08 PM
Pretty in pink over there!!! It's making me think of spring.
I use both Bloglines and Google Reader. Google is pretty reliable and I like to use it at school where the filters won't let Bloglines through.
Posted by: Sheepish Annie | February 07, 2007 at 07:12 PM
I'm interested to hear what other people say about bloglines as I'm a bit dissatisfied in that department too!
Posted by: Meg | February 07, 2007 at 09:48 PM
I love all the pink. But, I'm a red knitter. Didn't mean to be, but it's true nonetheless.
I use bloglines, but might try Google Reader . . .
Posted by: Pam | February 07, 2007 at 10:25 PM
Um. You can have my share of the world's supply of pink; if you've any spare khaki/grey/taupe/black I'll happily take it off your hands!
Posted by: sarah | February 08, 2007 at 08:20 AM
That new yarn is perfect for a pink girl like you! I find myself being drawn to green more than anything.
Speaking of green, I finally finished my CPH! I haven't taken a picture yet, though.
Posted by: Beth | February 08, 2007 at 07:37 PM
I love the Hope colorway. I owuld be content just looking at it for a while too.
I only use Bloglines, so I was curious to see what other people use. I had never heard of Google Reader. I will have to check it out.
Posted by: Karen | February 09, 2007 at 11:53 AM
Your camisole will be a lovely hybrid. Pink is horrible with my coloring but magenta, fushia...those are my colors. Do you collect shells?
Posted by: Greeley | February 09, 2007 at 08:15 PM
The Hope yarn looks very comfortable in it's new home!
Posted by: Nancy | February 13, 2007 at 10:53 AM
I too am a big fan of the pink. I have some pink Koigu that I'm totally into (matches nothing I own) and when I bought some Claudia's handpainted recently--it had lots of pink.
Posted by: Juls | February 14, 2007 at 10:43 AM