It’s me again, Charlie. Thank you so much for your good wishes. I'm feeling much better now.
Regular readers of this blog know that I struggle with weight loss, stomach sickness, and all of the medicines and tests associated with IBD, or inflammatory bowel disease. What you might not know is that my person, Chris, our blog photographer and bike racer [and Debby’s husband – ed.], also has a form of IBD called Crohn’s Disease. It is a painful autoimmune disorder that often results in surgeries, and sometimes even removal, of the intestines. Some patients cannot attend school, hold down a job, or travel very far from their homes. My person has struggled with Crohn’s symptoms since college, was in and out of the hospital in 2003, and had one surgery. At that time, his dream of bike racing seemed impossible. But with new medications, he and I are doing really well! Look at him now!
1st place, Poughkeepsie, NY 7/15/06
Last fall, my persons signed up for a charity bicycle ride called Get Your Guts in Gear. The ride starts in NYC and ends in Saratoga Springs, NY, June 8-10, 2007. It raises money for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and other charities that provide funds for research and treatment for IBD. While these organizations only support humans, whatever they learn benefits veterinary medicine too. Believe it or not, my person and I take the same tests and have the same medicines!! [and the same naps - ed.]
Chris will be riding 210 miles in 3 days along the Hudson River Valley, and Debby will be joining the support crew. She’s even willing to go camping on their anniversary weekend! But to participate, they need our help to raise the rider’s fee of $2000. Since the idea of 3 days in a bicycle basket doesn’t appeal to me, and they didn’t like my suggestion for a spaghetti dinner, I’m volunteering as Spokescat (get it?) and chief fundraising helper. I’m hoping you will support my persons and me to raise money for the thousands of humans and animals that struggle with intestinal disorders, diseases, and even cancers. We have prizes to make it fun!
Here’s how to help:
1) Click on the GYGIG button, where you will see Chris’ fundraising letter and the link for donation.
2) For every donation, you will receive one ticket into the prize drawing. If you prefer to spread your donation out over the next few months, you’ll receive a ticket for each time you donate.
3) If you post about this on your blog and help us spread the word, you’ll also receive one ticket. Be sure to leave a comment with the link to your page, or email me and let me know.
4) On the last weekends in March and April, Timmy or I will announce the winner of a $21 gift certificate (210 miles), to the yarn shop or bike shop of the winner’s choice. It can be online or a local shop. The winner must respond in 10 days via email or blog comment with how to get in touch with them, or we will choose another winner.
5) On Memorial Day weekend, also our first blogiversary, we’ll give away a $30 gift certificate (3 days) to the yarn shop or bike shop of the winner’s choice. Though we’ll be asking family and co-workers for donations, the prize drawings are reserved for our internet friends and blog readers only. You are special to us!
6) No kitties were harmed in the preparation of this post, but bribes may have been accepted!!
Please send email to adamsdebra AT sbcglobal DOT net if you have any questions or comments. Chris, Debby, and I thank you in advance for your support!
Go Chris Go! (and Debby and Charlie too!)
Posted by: tiennie | February 04, 2007 at 03:19 AM
Charlie, you look mahvelous. Thank you for sharing the background of your owner. I didn't realize the odds Chris had to overcome to achieve that first place in NY. We'll be cheering him on in June!
Posted by: Kristen | February 04, 2007 at 06:20 AM
That's the best looking spokescat I've ever seen! I know he will help your fundraising efforts quite a bit!
Posted by: Beth | February 04, 2007 at 07:56 AM
With a spokescat like Charlie I'm sure this will go far! :) Several friends live with Crohn's so I'll be joining your team.
Posted by: Amy Artisan | February 04, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Excellent post, Charlie! I will be heading over to the donation site and I'll post about this on my blog in the next couple of days. I'm in the process of moving my blog right now, but it'll be there when I get moved in :)
p.s. I'm glad you're feeling better!
Posted by: Julie | February 04, 2007 at 07:26 PM
How can I resist the pleas of such an adorable kitty? I wish all of you luck as you ride/work/fundraise for this important cause.
Posted by: Rachel | February 04, 2007 at 08:48 PM
Okay, your wish is my command--I made a (small) donation AND posted a link on my blog for you. Good luck!
Posted by: --Deb | February 04, 2007 at 09:56 PM
Support moral and monetary - you got it!
Posted by: Nancy | February 05, 2007 at 10:41 AM
I'm happy to get on board! February is a rough month but look for my contribution in March. Good luck!
Posted by: Greeley | February 05, 2007 at 12:53 PM
Oh MY! Charlie is a handsome cat! I will definitely get a post up on my blog in the next couple of days about your fundraiser.
Posted by: Holly of HollYarns | February 05, 2007 at 01:21 PM
I think this is a great fundraiser. My cousin has Colitis and I have been active in the run/walk that has been held in Portland the last 3 years. It is a young group, but an active one! I'm heading over to make my donation now. Good luck to Chris!!
Posted by: Deb | February 07, 2007 at 12:55 AM
It's a cause near to my heart, or intestines. I hope he's able to ride.
Posted by: Lauren | February 07, 2007 at 02:34 PM
Hey Charlie,
I couldn't think of a better cause to support. Especially because your mom loves the color pink, cats and mentioned my blog.
All kidding aside, I dedicate my donation to a close friend who lives with this disease daily.
Off to the site I go in the name of Peggy.
I hope all goes well. Good luck!
Posted by: Patty | February 12, 2007 at 09:36 AM
Great post, Charlie! I wish all cats were as literate as you obviously are. As a cyclist, knitter, cat owner, and IBD sufferer, this totally gets my support - I'll post about it on my blog tomorrow and make a pledge right now!!
Posted by: Chris | February 12, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Who can resist a cutie like Charlie?
If you need some prizes, let me know, I'd be happy to donate something to the swag.
Posted by: Katie | February 16, 2007 at 03:41 PM
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