Happy New Year!
There's something about a fresh start, even in the middle of winter, that is invigorating. Lots of bloggers are posting their New Year's Resolutions, Knitting Resolutions, Must-Knit-in-2007 lists, and Yarn Life is asking for 2007 knitting goals for their 2007 Crafting Challenge. Inspired by all of this, I took some time before Christmas to go through my little stash of patterns and yarn, and make a list of what I hope to accomplish this year:
The Important Goals
1)To finish the current three projects In The Knitting Bag (see left column), especially Mrs. Belli's Diamond Edging, which has been going on for a long time now.
2)To knit a Noni baguette bag. I have nearly all of the supplies (I'm not sure what size bamboo handles are needed -- does anyone know?), and hope to start this in the spring. For next fall, I have dark green wool for a ribbed pullover that I was supposed to knit this fall.
3)To have no more than 3, but preferably just 2 (one easy, one challenging) projects on the needles at a time. This summer I had an all-time personal record of six projects in progress (don't laugh!), and it got overwhelming. I wasn't making much progress on anything by knitting a row here and a row there.
4)To come up with some sort of a gift & charity knitting plan. There were so many great charity knitting projects this fall, and I didn't have the time to knit something to contribute. I'm already thinking about who I might like to knit for this year, and will try to come up with a low-pressure, sensible list of projects.
Things I also hope to do:
1)Knit one French Girl pattern. I love the projects in their ads, and just bought Diamanta.
2)Start one of the patterns in the Drops No. 88 booklet. I love the mohair cardigan, #14.
3)Learn crochet edgings, and/or simple beading.
Lots of knitters are doing the knit-from-your-stash goals, but I don't have any wool in the stash to make any of the major projects on my list. So my knit-from-my-stash goal is to use the wool I do have for my "easy" projects -- I seem to have lots of pairs of skeins that will make mittens, armwarmers, and scarves. These will be great portable projects, since I can't knit socks.
Here are few other non-knitting goals for this year:
1)To sell our house, and move to a new-to-us house in a quieter area. The house must have a fireplace, as we don't have one here and really miss it.
2)To ride a century, 100 miles, on my bicycle. Most centuries are held in September, so I have lots of time to train yet. If only my new bicycle would finally arrive!
and, a goal that you can help me with:
3)To discover new music to put on the iPod. C treated me to a new (pink!!) iPod Nano for Christmas (maybe he was tired of my using his while riding the loaner bike?). So, if you have any suggestions for new music please let me know -- I'm hopelessly out of the loop. To narrow things a bit, I don't listen to music in the classical, country, folk, rap, or metal categories. I do like some rock, alternative (if that is the right term?), some techno, jazz, and r&b. Guilty pleasure is 80s British New Wave, and I thought I read there is a revival of same, so I would be especially interested in music like that. I've found some knitting and cycling podcasts I enjoy, but if you've got any recommendations for those, too, I'd love to hear about them.
Today is a very special day here at the Seashore...C's birthday! At the risk of embarrassing him, he is MY gift...handsome, smart, funny, understanding of my obsessive tendencies. He never minds stopping at a yarn shop, and often takes the photos for this blog since he's a more talented photographer than I am (another goal I have is to take the one-night class at the local photo shop). Racer that he is, he rode with me into last place at the Folks on Spokes charity ride last September, when everyone else was packing up to go home. I am a truly blessed wife. Not many husbands would be willing to do this for the Amazing Lace KAL last summer:
Happy Birthday Honey!!!!
Well said, lovely post! Happy Birthday to your hubby! And, I believe the Noni baguettes are knit on size 11 needles. :-) Have a happy new year!!
Posted by: Kat | January 02, 2007 at 10:41 AM
Happy Birthday to C!
I liked reading your goals. I can especially relate to The Important Goals #4. There were so many great opportunities for charity knitting last fall and it was frustrating not to be able to knit something for all the ones I wanted.
Posted by: Beth | January 02, 2007 at 01:41 PM
What a nice husband!!! Very amusing!!! 100 miles on a bike?? I can't even imagine that!! Crocheting is easy, really!!! I know you'll be able to do it.
Posted by: 2paw | January 02, 2007 at 03:19 PM
Great goals for the new year! I really want to bike ride more this spring. We have a new bike trail near our house that would be perfect for it, but my hubby isn't into biking and doesn't want me to bike alone. So it's a catch 22, maybe I can interest him in it later this year.
Posted by: Rebekah | January 02, 2007 at 04:02 PM
Happy New Year to you and Happy Birthday to C! Best of luck with the goals. I'll look forward to some pretty cool FOs in '07!
Posted by: Sheepish Annie | January 02, 2007 at 06:11 PM
I'm sure you will achieve all your goals this year - including the Century. Happy birthday to C, a truly good sport!
Posted by: Kristen | January 02, 2007 at 06:48 PM
Happy birthday, C. I know my husband wouldn't be willing to pose for such a shot. You've got a winner!
Posted by: Jenny Raye | January 03, 2007 at 10:16 AM
Great goals Debby! Will certainly cheer you on. Happy Birthday to hubby - that picture is awesome!
Posted by: tiennie | January 03, 2007 at 03:55 PM
I can see the photo I'd get if I approached my husband with an item of lace while he was on his bike. Whoosh! a little cloud of dust... :-)
I agree absolutely on No. 4. I feel selfish, having knitted only for me and mine so far. Time to adopt a charity. And while I've enjoyed feeling free to have more than one project on the go, I realise that some are much less enticing than others, even if the end result will be as good or better. More self-discipline, fewer socks!
Posted by: sarah | January 05, 2007 at 08:37 AM
Hee hee, I'd forgotten about that Amazing Lace post! What a sweet tribute to your husband. I hope he has a wonderful birthday.
Are you familiar with the New Pornographers? Don't be put off on the name -- their music has nothing at all to do with pornography. Their music is alternative but very cheery and fun to listen to. Enjoy your new Nano!
Posted by: Rachel | January 05, 2007 at 07:45 PM
Awww, what a nice post. I wish I could give you some music selections but I am far less confident in musical recommendations than book recommendations! My album of 2006 (listened to virtually constantly at work) was the soundtrack to Lost In Translation.
Posted by: Meg | January 06, 2007 at 06:50 PM
Wow -- a guy who'll wear lace for you -- now that's love :) Happy Birthday too! Have you checked out the Sticks and String knitting podcast? I like the podcast and like the music he selects for the show -- check it out!
Posted by: Lori | January 07, 2007 at 02:39 PM